Proudly Supporting Entrepreneurial Minds Since 2008

Code of conduct language

In the application for accreditation in March 2015, the board of Stichting Schoolvision, acting as Rechtspersoon Hoger Onderwijs, stated that the full program of the Bachelor Business Administration Entrepreneurship would be offered in English. This has been confirmed in the decision of the Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie to grant accreditation dated 11 May 2015.  

As article 7.2 of the Wet Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek states that all higher education in the Netherlands, including the exams, is to be offered in Dutch, this decision needs further explanation.

Article 7.2c of the Wet Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek states that it is possible to offer a full study program in a language other than Dutch if the nationality of the students participating in the program makes this necessary. As the Bachelor Business Administration Entrepreneurship is specifically designed to offer students an international entrepreneurial experience, a part of the student population consists of international students. With every re accreditation the board of Stichting Schoolvsion will investigate and debate whether the ambition of always having international students participating in the program and therefor offering all education in English is still valid.

To comply with article 1.3.5 of the Wet Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek stating that all institutes in higher education in the Netherlands have the obligation to improve knowledge and usage of the Dutch language, a Dutch course is an obligatory part of the curriculum for all first year students with a Dutch high school diploma.

This code of conduct has been adopted by the board of Stichting Schoolvision on 1 April 2019.