Proudly Supporting Entrepreneurial Minds Since 2008

5 reasons why you’d love or hate studying entrepreneurship at Team Academy in Amsterdam

At Team Academy we believe that setting up your own company is the best way to learn how to do business. That’s why we choose to encourage our students to start businesses, instead of just lecturing them about businesses. This new way of learning, however, is not for everybody. Here are 5 reasons why you might love or hate studying at Team Academy in Amsterdam:

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Students having a brainstorm session

1. You’d literally have to earn your degree.

We already told you that Team Academy is about learning by doing. In practice this means: one of the things you will get graded on each year, is by the amount of money you earn. For the first 3 years, every student is assigned a money goal and reaching this goal is a crucial part of earning your degree.

2. Together, with your team and coach, you have to manage your own schedule

At Team Academy, nobody is going to tell you when you have to be at the office. Together with your team of fellow students, you can make up your own rules regarding when and how much you want to work. The result is that you will learn to manage yourself (and your peers).
Temple of entrepreneurship in Amsterdam – B. Amsterdam

3. You’d study not on a campus, but in an office building (and an inspiring one at it)

Team Academy Amsterdam can be found inside the biggest start-up ecosystem of Europe. In the B. Amsterdam building, you can have lunch not just with inspiring fellow students, but together with some of the most inspiring entrepreneurs in Europe. This also means that serious business is being done here and our office is no place to fool around (although, some fooling around can be done in the rooftop park).

4. No lectures, but workshops (and no teachers, but coaches)

Because we believe in learning by doing, we move away from lectures from teachers and instead offer hands-on workshops from business coaches. And we believe theoretical knowledge should complement whatever project you are working on. This means you get a lot of freedom in deciding at what time of the year you need particular classes. Finance workshops at the end of a fiscal year? No problem.

5. Each year, for the first 3 years, you spend at least a month away from home to embark on a learning journey

Experiencing new things is when your brain is most open to gaining knowledge. This is why, every year, our students travel abroad for at least a month to get out of their comfort zones and get the chance to do business in an international setting. By your third year, you will have spent time on 3 different continents and you will be ready to leave Team Academy as an educated citizen of the world, open to dive into any business adventure across the globe.

Do you think this might be something for you? Please don’t hesitate to shoot us any questions you might have at


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