Proudly Supporting Entrepreneurial Minds Since 2008

5 sentences about a topic

5 sentences about a Team Academy topic

About Entrepreneurial Practice Theory

Recently we started off with our first real course after the Learning Journey: Entrepreneurial Practice Theory. Beginning with the very basics, we talked about the differences between start-ups and small businesses. Very fundamental and important for every starting entrepreneur to know. A small business is small because it’s just small, whereas a start-up is small because it’s young and is constantly testing hypotheses in search of a scalable, repeatable, profitable business model to grow rapidly in the future. Did you know this difference, and where do your ambitions lay: small businesses or start-ups?

About The Awareness Postercoffee

Poster coffee, this was a serious one. One that moved the staff to introduce an entire code of conduct to protect the equal rights for man and woman, with respect at its basis. What a subject and what I courage shown by all the speakers. I’m motivated to handle according to the code of conduct and make sure equality for everyone is and remains. Big up to Emma, Tess and Michel for this one!

About Homecoming year 1

During a homecoming teams tell about their learnings and experiences on their past learning journey. It is a form of evaluation, but also a way to give others the chance to learn from those learnings as well. Everyone who’s interested can come to visit to learn, ask and be informed about the biggest ins and outs. The next homecoming will take place on the 16th of December. Interested? Contact us by sending an e-mail to or call us on +31 20 7235870.

About the end of the year (Dec. ’22)

A year full of learnings and successes has been concluded at TA today. Students go back to their families, charging their batteries, to become ready for more learnings and more success again in the next year. To all TA students: We wish you all a great Christmas and a fruitful, successful continuation of your entrepreneurial journey in 2023.

About the Festive Lunch (Dec. ’22)

At Team Academy Amsterdam we closed off the year in a festive way: a lunch, potluck style. Team coaches, field experts, students and staff members contributed in making the most wonderful dishes. Oat pancakes with blueberries, cheese, banana and even the Dutch ‘pepernoten’, a beef stew and a traditional Surinam saoto. A great moment to talk about the past year, and unwind from all the hard work that has been done by everyone. Thanks to everyone that contributed with dishes and drinks, and to everyone who was there to join in with the fun!


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"Team Academy alumni are different: We think in opportunities, dare to embrace change, adapt quickly, and get the work done!
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