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We are a very diverse first-year team

My name is Ellora Wardrop, I am a first year student here at Team Academy from Salt Lake City, Utah. This past week nearly fifty other students and I, both from TA Amsterdam and TA Romania, were paired up to begin our Impact week.

We were divided into a number of teams and given a list of social challenges that the world faces today. A few examples include world hunger, a lack of clean water, responsible consumption and various others. We were asked to work together with our new teams to choose one we wanted to focus on and what business idea we could create that might help us overcome said challenges.

We shortly found out that quality education was an important topic amongst our whole group and chose to start at the source. Believing that if we could revolutionize education, the other catastrophes would more easily sort themselves out.

With quality education on our minds, in a group of widely varied people, we decided to focus more specifically on educating one another on each other. Where we come from, what our culture is like, the personal histories of our lives. Our ambition was to bring attention to the fact that we are all different but all face many of the same hardships all over the world.

In order to do so, we first looked inward, to our own students. At Team Academy, we are diverse. Dutch, Greek, Romanian, American, Peruvian, South African – you name it. We have students from all walks of life, and it is our desire to bring each individual together authentically, without all the extras.

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