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Our first weeks of Team Academy in Romania

When you come to Team Academy you know there are multiple learning journeys ahead of you. The first one is right after the introduction camp. This year, all first year HBO students took a flight to Bucharest, Romania to travel for 6 weeks with people you have only known for a week. I was very excited.

The learning journey was very important for the team process. Living with people you have only known for a week, really makes the team bond. The journey really got our team together and we soon had a trustful relationship. I think this is for me one of the most important things of the learning journey.

We had several goals to accomplish in Romania. We had to accomplish a money goal of €1000 and we had to arrange 5 company visits for our team. Our team managed to get the money goal fairly quick and reached €1400. I think the money goal really made our team work together but also created some tensions in the team. We managed to resolve these tensions and this made our team closer.

Arranging 5 company visits ourselves gave us the possibility to choose the companies we wanted to visit. We as a team chose to visit companies that were very different from each other so that we could experience different work environments. This also taught us to get in contact with different companies and how to approach them.

Besides these visits Team Academy arranged a lot of interesting speakers to tell us about their experiences and knowledge. I think we had a lot of interesting speakers and I definitely learnt a lot from them.

During the whole trip we learnt a lot about teamwork and each other. I also learnt a lot from all the contact we had to have with companies and people from the business world. I learnt that when you ask for something that a lot of people are willing to help you. I learnt that doing business in other countries can be very different, and I learnt to present myself.

Derk de Vries.


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