Proudly Supporting Entrepreneurial Minds Since 2008

Own It Campaign

Own It - The Campaign Every Entrepreneur Should Go Through

A few years ago, we ran a campaign on the topic ‘Own it’. The campaign has been indicated by the team of alumni students who started their own marketing agency. They came up with the strategy for this campaign, as they found this the most fitting way to explain what is happening with you as a student while studying at the university. Students here learn to ‘own’ problems and solve them. Tackle any situation they come across. Take the responsibility, and accountability to take the lead and resolve the issue at hand.

As an example, a short (mobile) movie is running on this theme, about students of Team Academy who are getting confronted with a series of issues. When they solve the problem at hand, they can press the big red button in front of them, as they ‘own’ the topic. On this pressing of the button; confetti is released.

During that time, I followed a leadership program with my partner on systemic constellations and reconstructive work in Belgium. A lot of fascinating topics have passed during the several weekends we were there, yesterday was about personal leadership. And what triggered me most was: ‘Do I actually own it?’

Nine years ago, we took over the Team Academy. And from that moment, a lot of work needed to be done. Shoulders straight, head high, working our asses off to get the university back on track again.

After 4 years, we looked back at all we did, I really strongly believe we did a good job and believe strongly in what we do. And the question is; did I show this? Was I shouting this from the rooftops? Was I promoting our university as it should be done? Did I own standing there and shouting out that I am being proud of what we are doing??? As you might guess, I was not.

Why is this question?
As I tell the students there are 3 main fears, of which all fears you face are part of:

  • The fear of being abandoned
  • The fear of failure
  • The fear of change

And with that come 3 basic strategies of dealing with fear:

  • Fight
  • Flight
  • Hide

Oh yes, I knew it all too well, in theory, and can explain this to everyone around me.
Forgetting that ‘owning it’ also applies to me.
Oh yes, I was afraid of all of the 3 mentioned above, AND I was hiding, while working my ass off.

Working hard with the team to make it all better.
Working hard and yes still hiding, as hiding within the theory and doing the legwork is comfortable for me.

But in the comfort zone is no growth to be found.
The magic of growth is to be found outside of your and yes, my comfort zone

So everyone, here it is:
I am really very proud of what we are doing. I think this is the best education any student can get for their future, where you learn to own any topic at hand, and learn a lot about communication, leadership, and yourself while putting theory learned into practice as you grow as an entrepreneur.

And I also believe that other Universities should follow this example!
And I will be shouting this from all stages available to me and for people who would like to hear it. There is a story to tell, and I would love to share this!!
Let the confetti come!!!

We are on a mission to share this story with the world and we are very proud of this!!

Thanks for reading,
Marjolein Bakker



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